Meaning of Tarot Cards - Suit of Swords

Next in the Meaning of Tarot Cards on the minor arcana is the The Suit of Swords. The Swords element is air and is connected to Gemini, Libra & Aquarius of the zodiac.

The Swords is the tarot suit most often connected with issues related to our intellectual and rational faculties.

Themeaning of tarot cards Ace of Swords
The Root of the Powers of Air

Numerical Value: 1
Season: Autumn
Direction: East

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - Complete and total change of mind. A rebirth and new beginning. A Strong signal of powerful good or evil. In it's purest form it is symbolic of strongly constituted authority and pursuit of ultimate truth. May seem negative initially. A rebirth and new beginning.

Reversed/Upsidedown - Cowardice, neglect. Violence, destruction, the misuse of power. Possibly death but depends on other cards.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Two of Swords
The Lord of Peace Restored

Numerical Value: 2

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - Precarious and delicate balance in adversity. Courage. Differences resolved. Not acknowledging problems. Ignoring conflict and strife.

Reversed/Upsidedown - Confusion, trickery wilful misguidance and misleading advice. Not knowing what to do.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Three of Swords
The Lord of Sorrow

Numerical Value: 3

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - Extreme pain and sorrow. Separation, disruption, upheaval, discord, but with a positive view in end. Tears, strife, conflict, Heartbreak. Disappointment. Inevitability. Loss. Released tension.

Reversed/Upsidedown - Confusion, discord. A recovery from loss.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Four of Swords
The Lord of Rest from Strife

Numerical Value: 4

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - Withdrawal, rest, recuperation. Release of tension. Time to rest for awhile. A quiet after the storm. Relief from sorrow or anxiety.

Reversed/Upsidedown - Unrest, banishment, seclusion, enforced isolation. Depression and failure of nerve.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Five of Swords
The Lord of Defeat

Numerical Value: 5

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - Failure, dishonour, loss, defeat. Swallow pride and Stay away from situations with no hope of victory. A warning of treachery, arrogance, deceit.

Reversed/Upsidedown - Indecision, malice, paranoia, spite. Petty. Regrets progress impeding.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Six of Swords
The Lord of Earned Success

Numerical Value: 6

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - Obstacles overcome. Movement or travel from difficulty or imminent danger. Finding an agreeable solution. Extended journeys and passage from pain.

Reversed/Upsidedown - Stagnate, not going anywhere. Need for a continuing effort and strength. Once obstacle is surmounted another is presented.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Seven of Swords
The Lord of Unstable Effort

Numerical Value: 7

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - Impulse and a sudden desire. Use caution about your feelings or intentions. Indicates triumph in the face of adversity, but it must be through cunning. Discretion. Could be a change of residence or job, might be both. Stealth or Underhandedness.

Reversed/Upsidedown - Surrendering when victory is in sight. Reluctance and inability to complete what's been started. Reluctance to carry through daring when necessary. Someone doing something dishonest or dishonorable.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Eight of Swords
The Lord of Shortened Force

Numerical Value: 8

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - Jealousy, often from family or colleagues, oppression and illness, enforced isolation and crisis. Adverse circumstances and major difficulties dictated by fate. Look for signs and realise you aren't trapped.

Reversed/Upsidedown - Effort being wasted in wrong place. Hard work for little reward, despair, frustration, depression. You will find way out of tough situation.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Nine of Swords
The Lord of Despair and Cruelty

Numerical Value: 9

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - Nightmares, premonitions and deception, cruelty, disappointment and suffering, scandal and loss. Feeling impotence. Feeling isolated and helpless. All these may be overcome through calculated inaction and faith. This is the Martyr card and new life out of suffering comes with it. The situation isn't as bad as you fear.

Reversed/Upsidedown - Feelings of suspicion, distrust, misery, despair. Total isolation away from help and comfort. Feelings of doom, but not as severe.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Ten of Swords
The Lord of Ruin

Numerical Value: 10

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - Desolation, ruin, disruption, though generally this refers to a group. Sudden misfortune, muggings, accidents, robbery. However, this is the lowest point in the cycle, things can only get better from here so there is some cause for optimism.

Reversed/Upsidedown - Illusion of burdens being lifted or release from afflictions, the suffering will continue. Sometimes extreme change and violence. Temporary good fortune.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Page of Swords
The Princess of the Rushing Winds; The Lotus of the Palace of Air

Numerical Value: 7
Elemental Name: Earth of Air

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - A person with dexterity and grace, diplomatic, skilled in being able to work out the true nature of things. Able to negotiate expertly on behalf of peers. A good personal emissary, although sometimes this card is associated with surveying and spying others from a detached viewpoint. One of the true qualities of this figure is detachment.

Reversed/Upsidedown - A cunning, two-faced and possibly vindictive person. Given to snooping in other people's affairs. May indicate unforeseen events, plans being overtaken by events or ill health. Uneven personality.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Knight of Swords
Lord of the Winds and the Breezes; King of the Spirits of Air

Numerical Value: 4
Elemental Name: Fire of Air

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - A skillful, clever, active person, strong and courageous, at his best in a difficult situation. Knight in shining armour. Someone who sweeps you off your feet. He may have a tendency towards dominating and depending on surrounding cards he may be in or out of one's life for either better or worse. He is the Archetypal Warrior.

Reversed/Upsidedown - The upsidedown card lends itself to someone who is sly, impetuous, deceitful, fierce in action but with little staying power. A starter but not a finisher of things. May indicate quarrels but depends on surrounding cards.

meaning of tarot cardsThe Queen of Swords
The Queen of the Thrones of Air

Numerical Value: 4
Elemental Name: Water of Air

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - An intelligent, complex, courageous woman, who may have suffered some deep loss or sorrow. Concerned with attention to detail and accuracy can skillfully balance opposed factions to meet her own needs. She has attained a sense of truth and inner wisdom. Has known pain but bears it with dignity. Is aloof and has barriers.

Reversed/Upsidedown - A sly, deceitful, intolerant and narrow-minded woman. Sorrow for the sake of sorrow. A formidable enemy due to her sharp intellect and subtlety. Mood swings, uneven temper.

meaning of tarot cardsThe King of Swords
The Prince of the Chariots of the Winds

Numerical Value: 4
Elemental Name: Air of Air

Meaning of tarot cards:
Upright - A ruler.An authority figure. Firm but fair. A law-maker, someone with an alert, rational and inventive mind. Has a tendency to be over cautious and leaves projects quickly to start another. An achiever in what he does but can be domineering.

Reversed/Upsidedown - An abuse of authority and power. An obstinate, calculating man capable of incredible evil to achieve his aims. Someone who angers easily and out of control.

That's the complete set of Suit of Swords. Next on Meaning of Tarot Cards I will post the Suit of Pentacles.

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