Meaning of Tarot Cards

Welcome to the Meaning of Tarot Cards Blog Site. On this site I am going to explore the meaning of tarot cards individually and the history that surrounds this fascinating field. I will also cover how to interpret the different tarot card meanings and how to do readings with them. Or at least attempt to.

It does take years of studying and practice doing readings to interpret the cards correctly. But what I will cover here is a bit of an overall description for what each card represents and try to show how to start doing readings with them.

My goal is to set up a simple site to find cards and meanings quickly.

My next post will be on the basics, the history of tarot. I hope you will enjoy the meaning of tarot cards and get a better understanding of them by following this site.


Lorena said...

Este es un artículo muy deseable. Estás haciendo que estos párrafos sean emocionantes y atractivos. Le das a los lectores un montón de cosas que considerar, Respeto mucho tu forma de escribir, y me gusta que escribas de contenido relacionado con tarot.

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